Wakefield Council has pledged to be a carbon neutral organisation by 2030 and a carbon neutral district by 2038. To achieve its aim, the Council has created the climate change action plan, a pan-organisation programme composed of six workstreams, with a seventh workstream on adaptation in development.

To achieve district net zero by 2038, it’s important for Wakefield businesses to work together to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change.
By adopting a net zero approach businesses can:
Save money.
Reduce energy and water consumption.
Reduce operating costs and increase resilience to input cost increases.
Enhance environmental performance.
Improve business image and creating new local supply chain opportunities.
Enhance compliance with legal requirements.
Take a look at our dedicated document for top tips and relevant support initiatives.
If your business would like to engage with the Council and other local businesses regarding joint ventures, or if you would like to find out more about the Wakefield District Net Zero Partnership, please email
Our Business Support Team are also on hand to discuss your individual business needs. Don't hesitate to reach out to