Business Support and Inward Investment Strategy

Business Support and Inward Investment Strategy 2021-2024

The Strategy responds to changing business needs, setting the direction for support for businesses and stimulating investment in the District over the next 3 years.

Alongside the Employment and Skills Strategy: Wakefield - A Learning City and District and the Tourism Recovery Plan, this will enable the Council and partners to carry out vital work to secure the District’s economic recovery, aligned with objectives for our place and improving opportunities for our people by creating jobs and upskilling.

Our Vision for Business Support: “Wakefield is a place where businesses can explore new opportunities and develop ideas, to generate social and economic value and prosperity for all”

Our Mission for Business Support: Our mission is to facilitate a cohesive, District-wide business engagement and support offer, delivered as a partnership, in collaboration with businesses; focusing our efforts to maximise impact.

Our Vision for Inward Investment: “Wakefield is a great place to invest and businesses that locate here create better jobs for local people as well as value for themselves”

Our Mission for Inward Investment: Our mission is to diversify Wakefield’s business base by attracting strategic investment from the UK and beyond.

Check out our Business Support and Inward Investment Strategy