
Tracy Brabin launches North America trade mission to drum up jobs and investment in West Yorkshire

06 November 2023

A West Yorkshire delegation, led by Mayor Tracy Brabin, touched down in Toronto and will travel to Boston, New York and Lititz Pennsylvania this week, to boost trade and investment.

Ms Brabin will meet with leading US and Canadian business leaders, to champion West Yorkshire as a top destination for jobs and growth.

As part of International Trade Week, and supported by the UK government, the Mayor will visit the North American offices of several homegrown businesses, to celebrate their success and discuss how best to scale and export other local businesses to the US, Canada and around the world.

Commenting on the trip, Ms Brabin said: “This trade mission is an exciting first for West Yorkshire – a chance to show the US and Canada what we’re made of, as we boost jobs, investment and opportunities for local people."

The trade mission follows the launch of the West Yorkshire Plan, which set out a mission to deliver a prosperous region by making it easier for businesses to start-up, grow, innovate, trade and invest.

For more information and the source: Tracy Brabin launches North America trade mission to drum up jobs and investment in West Yorkshire (
